+233 244709726| + 233 246712456 info@agaschool.edu.gh



             Ms. Benedicta Ackah

                               Head of Department (Preschool)

You are welcome to a holistic learning journey.
AGA School’s Pre-School department warmly welcomes children aged 1 to 6, spanning from the Crèche stage to Kindergarten 2. Our team of qualified staff is dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for your children, where they can learn and develop while engaging in active play. Our primary goal is to instill confidence and set the foundation for their future educational success.

Our Holistic Curriculum:
Our curriculum is designed to be activity-based, allowing for multisensory and differentiated learning experiences. We recognize that every child possesses unique strengths and needs, and we bring passion, love, and laughter to our classrooms to create an ideal learning foundation for our students. The curriculum is structured around seven key areas of learning and development:
1. Personal, Social, and Emotional Development:
• Encouraging positive approaches to learning through play and exploration.
• Fostering self-confidence and valuing personal achievements.
• Building friendships and social skills.
• Promoting awareness of rules and personal hygiene.
• Respecting diverse ways of doing things and critical thinking.
2. Communication and Language:
• Developing conversational skills in various settings.
• Expanding vocabulary and the ability to use new words.
• Expressing experiences and ideas through words.
• Learning phonics to read accurately.
• Exploring the world of stories and storytelling.
3. Numeracy:
• Understanding concepts related to quantity, size, and patterns.
• Utilizing numbers to solve problems.
• Building early math skills, including addition and subtraction.
• Enhancing problem-solving abilities.
4. Understanding the World:
• Gaining knowledge about the natural and human-made world.
• Exploring tools and technology.
• Developing an understanding of past and present.
• Learning about local and global cultures.
5. Physical Development:
• Improving gross motor skills through physical activities.
• Enhancing fine motor skills for object manipulation.
• Promoting a healthy understanding of the body and self-care.
6. Expressive Arts and Design:
• Exploring creativity through art, music, dance, and role-play.
• Experimenting with various forms of expression, such as color, design, and texture.
7. Literacy:
• Expanding vocabulary and expressive writing skills.
• Learning phonics for reading.
• Cultivating a love for books and writing.
• Encouraging independent writing attempts.
Exploring the World:
To further enrich their learning experiences, our students embark on field trips to gain deeper insights into the themes covered in class. These excursions include visits to places like the airport, zoo, supermarkets, the police station, post office, and more.
Our Opening Hours:
Our Pre-school Day begins at 6:30 am and concludes at 5:30 pm, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging educational experience for your child.
At the AngloGold Ashanti School’s Pre-School Department, we are committed to nurturing young minds and providing a solid educational foundation that will prepare them for future success. We look forward to embarking on this exciting learning journey with your children as they grow, explore, and thrive in our caring and stimulating environment.