+233 244709726| + 233 246712456 info@agaschool.edu.gh



 Mrs. Mercy Hetty Owusu

             Head of Department (Upper Primary)


Greetings to you all. I consider it a colossal honour to welcome you to my department—Upper Primary. It is with great joy and pride that I share with you the assiduous efforts, commitment and passion of my exceptional teachers, students and other stakeholders who have made the department what is today as a beacon of knowledge, a hub for creativity, and a community of individuals who strive for excellence.
Upper Primary as a department spans from Grade 4 to Grade 6 with 700 students who are spread across 5 streams for each grade. With 21 hardworking and incredible teachers, the department has risen to an outstanding pedigree where it has become an avenue for excellence, innovation and an environment for all to thrive in the various domains—cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Together with my supportive teachers, we are focused on forging each student’s path of personal development and learning throughout their time with us on the path of discipline, morality and novelty. We strongly believe that academic excellence is a pursuit that thirsts for perseverance, hard work, and diligence in the quest for knowledge. As such, we are relentless in training our students to attain high academic standards even as they maintain discipline and embrace morality. Our students have often demonstrated that they are capable of meeting this challenge. Their accomplishments, in this regard, demonstrate their dedication to intellectual and personal development both inside and outside of the classroom.
The department is more than simply a place to learn. It is also a place where creativity soars, a place where ideas flourish, and a place where innovation is pursued. Owing to the creativity, diversity and vitality that emanates from my department, my teachers and students predominantly feature in the school’s Christmas Nativity Celebration which is always highly appreciated by all. Each work, from the cutting-edge research to the trailblazing and soul-stirring artistic creations, which characterise the Nativity Celebration is a monument to the tenacious spirit and perseverance of our students as well as the countless hours of hard work and unwavering dedication of my resolute teachers. Keenly focusing on improving this commended achievement in the years ahead, my department is zealous in fostering an atmosphere that values creative thinking and problem-solving as innovation, in today’s world, has become the cornerstone of education.
We look forward to the future with much anticipation and optimism as we hope to even attain more and better successes than that of the past year.

However, it is worth reiterating that but for the efforts of my dedicated and hardworking teachers as well as the passion of my loving students, all these accomplishments would have been nothing but an unfulfilled dream. To all my teachers and students, I extremely appreciate your devout passion and the successes we have attained; and for that I say a very big thank you. Let us keep up with the good work and together, we shall keep illuminating minds, hearts and hands for a better tomorrow.