Student and Parent Handbook
Honor Code
Lunch Program – Square Meals provide AGA School with food services. Preparing food from the schools kitchen, Square Meals takes advantage of the individual needs of students. The menu is diverse and changes every 6-8 to provide options for students.
Library – AGA School Libraries – Our school has two libraries for our two school (AGA School and the WB School) in addition to small “borrow-libraries” around campus. Our libraries are lively academic centers that supports students and staff as well as provide opportunities for community members to access them. The library includes a wide range of print and non-print resources—and a professional staff to meet the information needs of the community, support the Cambridge and GES curriculum, and encourage reading as a life-long skill.
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) – While the professional in-services trainings and workshops convey the principles of effective teaching, it is important for teachers to always have access to individualized attention through our center for teaching and learning. At the CTL, teachers examine and improve on their classroom management styles, teaching skills, using technology in the classroom and improving their communications with fellow teachers and students. Our CTL supports the teaching staff with curriculum design and delivery, effective use of technology, developing good classroom feedback and managing difficult students and situations in the classroom. We also support our teaching staff in ensuring that they have the necessary teaching and learning materials to deliver the objectives of each lesson effectively using modern methods of teaching and knowledge acquisition. The CTL is also designed to provide the professional development training that will allow our teaching staff to become world-class teachers. At the CTL, we also encourage working together and team building. We are a big promoter in team teaching and are exploring the areas of project based learning.
After School Programs (Extended Day) – AGA School provides opportunities for students to be engaged after school in meaningful and productive work. Some of our programs and activities include, Robotics and electronics, Homework Hangout and Creative Arts (Music | Dance | Drama).