+233 244709726| + 233 246712456 info@agaschool.edu.gh

Board of Directors

Snr. Management Team

EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT TEAMSteve, as popularly referred to, was born in Asokwa, a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region. He ...

Non-Teaching Staff

ADMINISTRATIONCentral AdministrationCafeteria StaffSecurityFacilities Management Staff ...

Teaching Staff

FACULTIESJHS FacultyUpper Primary FacultyPre-School FacultyLower Primary Faculty ...



The AGA School Board of Directors is the governing body of the school. There are currently 4 board members, a company secretary and the Executive Director in an ex officio capacity. The Board guides the school’s strategic direction and protects its mission. Critical functions of the Board include hiring, supporting, and evaluating the Executive Director, establishing the school’s mission and strategic plan, supporting the school’s development efforts, and safeguarding the school’s financial stability.

The Board’s purview is strategic, not operational (which is the responsibility of the Executive Director and his or her Administrative team). Specifically, the Board does not hire or terminate employees or establish policies for doing so. It does not make line-item budget determinations, including those on teaching salary; it does not establish academic scope and sequence of classes. Rather, the Board collaborates with the Executive Director to ensure that the school’s larger strategic goals are met, including accreditation, legal compliance and other requirements. The Board however approves all annual budgets. The AGA School Board meets 3-4 times a year, and follows a ‘centralized’ model due to its size.

Contact Board Members

Prof. Manu – gimpamodule@yahoo.com

Eric Asubonteng – easubonteng@anglogoldashanti.com

Dr. Doris Dartey – dorisdartey@gmail.com

Mr. Anis Haffar – anishaffar@gmail.com