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AngloGold Ashanti School, initially called Spears School and later became Ashanti Goldfields company School, was established in 1961 with Kerry William. (an expatriate) as a Head and Mr. P. T. Brew. (a Ghanaian) as Assistant, and some expatriate wives who were teachers by profession.

The school was initially established with the soul aim of catering for the educational needs of the children of the expatriate mine workers in Obuasi. The facilities were expanded in 1965 to cater for the Top senior Staff employees’ children.

In 1966, the school was then moved to a slate structure near Obuasi Sports Club Park with thirty-six Pupils. The same year, Mr. Figel Nicoles, another expatriate, took over the headship of the School from Mr. Kerry Williams.

In the year 1971, in the name of the school, Spears School to Ashanti Goldfields company School was changed. The facilities were expanded to accommodate all Ghanaian Senior Staff children. A Nursery School was introduced and integrated with the main school.

Between 1974 and 1980, a classroom was constructed each year in an attempt to gradually replace the slate structure until the school reached primary six.

In 1982 due to the increase number of the pupils, the school was split into double stream A and B with each stream having 25 Pupils.

In 1987, the school was expanded with new structures at Koffiekrom (the present location of the school) to accommodate School ‘B’. This paved way for the children of the Junior Staff employees of the mine to be admitted into the school. The school ‘B’ began with 50 Pupils, 2 Teachers and 2 attendants headed by Miss Mary Jackson till her retirement in 1997.

With the introduction of the New Educational Reforms in 1987, a Junior Secondary School (JSS) department was initiated as a joint venture with the Ghana Education Service. The Junior Secondary School started at the school ‘A’ with twenty-three (23) students and six (6) teachers. In October 1988 the Junior the Junior Secondary School was moved to the present location with seven-member staff.

In 1990 the batch of the Junior High School Passed the Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E) with enviable record of 100% passes: A record which has been maintained till date.

In 1995, new classrooms were built and School ‘A’ moved from the Sport Club area to join School ‘B’ and JSS under the administration of Mr. J. Adu-Bobi, assisted by Mr. E .C Kissiedu. Subsequently, the old School ‘A’ was adapted as a Museum for the Company.

In 1997, Miss Grace Oduro took over the administration of the school administration was re-organized with Miss Regina Osea taking over from Miss Mary Jackson as Assistance Headmistress for Lower Primary, Miss E.R Amuzu taking over from Miss Grace Oduro as the Upper Primary Assistant Headmistress and Miss T. Eyeson taking over from Mr. John Williams as Assistance Headmistress of the JSS.

The successful administration of the school has been achieved under the auspices of the following heads:

  1. Kerry Williams – 1961-1965
  2. F. Nicoles – 1965 -1975
  3. D.S Marshal – 1975 -1980
  4. Don Newbury – 1980- 1985
  5. A.H. Runham – 1985-1987
  6. J. Adu-Bobi – 1987-1997
  7. Miss Grace Oduro- 1997 to 2010
  8. Owusu Gyambrah – 2010 – 2014
  9. Dr. K.B. Tandoh – 2014 to 2016
  10. Simon Peter Kwadwo Attah-Cato – 2017 to Date